Retro Chic Kitchen

I love me some Rachael Ray!  She's down to earth, has great style, and makes everything seem doable!  But...what I might like most of all is her cool Big Chill fridge and kitschy set kitchen. Our tiny kitchen in San Diego was decked out in aqua tile (just like her fridge).  It was completely 1950....we also had a pink tiled bathroom!

While I've never been a big fan of the black and white checkerboard tiled floor, I do love the colors and lines that recall the 40s and 50s.  Plus, retro is just cool - in clothes, cars or refrigerators!  Now, if I had extra cash just laying around, my new kitchen might be decked out with some Big Chill appliances from Boulder, CO.  Grant total of the appliances as pictured below....$10, 915!  Holy cats!

There are more budget friendly ways to satisfy this retro craving without buying appliances that cost the equivalent of a used car.  Maybe I'll have the umpf and gumption someday to go for it.  Something about it makes me smile....maybe it's color therapy.

I'm digging on this...standard stainless steel appliances (check), white cabinets (check).  
To do list:
  • Find hip retro color that won't sicken me in 6 months
  • 2 words: Fiesta Ware (or maybe it's one word....I'll Google later)
  • Search, eBay or Esty for cool dinette set & accessories